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Hope: A Tragedy

Hope: A Tragedy

Товар закінчився
Код: 240804
Автор: Auslander, S.
Видавництво: PanMacmillan
ISBN: 978-1-4472-0766-5
Кількість сторінок: 302
Мова видання: анг
Рік видання: 2012
Обкладинка: м'яка
The humour, at times can leave you gasping . . . comic brilliance’ Sunday Times Solomon Kugel has had enough of the past and its burdens. So, in the hope of starting afresh, he moved his family to a small rural town where nothing of import has ever happened. Sadly, Kugel’s life isn’t that simple. His family soon find themselves threatened by a local arsonist and his ailing mother won't stop reminiscing about the Nazi concentration camps she didn’t actually suffer through. And when, one night, Kugel discovers a living, breathing, thought-to-be-dead specimen of history hiding in his attic, bad very quickly becomes worse. ‘Singularly inventive and superbly shocking . . . nothing short of genius’ Scotland on Sunday ‘He will make you laugh until your heart breaks’ New York Times Book Review


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