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The Good Soldier. A Tale of Passion = Хороший солдат: історія пристрасті (English Library)

The Good Soldier. A Tale of Passion = Хороший солдат: історія пристрасті (English Library)

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Код: 138899
Автор: Ford Madox Ford
Издательство: Знання Київ
ISBN: 978-617-07-0725-3
Формат: 70х90/32
Количество страниц: 270
Обложка: Тверда

“The Good Soldier” is one of the best novels of Ford Madox Ford (1873—1939), a reputable writer that significantly influenced the development of English literature and that is often called a godfather of E. Hemingway and D. H. Lawrence. The story of a soldier Edward Ashburnham is presented in a form of memories. The narrator neglects chronological order, sometimes mixes up dates, forgets some details and, having remembered them, goes off on a tangent — thus creating an effect of a trustful narration to a close person. Ford himself called his style literary impressionism and as in music or painting tried not only to narrate but also to communicate impressions.


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