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Foreign economic activity of enterprises: Training Manual. Kozak Y. Центр учбової літератури
Foreign economic activity of enterprises: Training Manual. Kozak Y. Центр учбової літератури. Изображение №2 Foreign economic activity of enterprises: Training Manual. Kozak Y. Центр учбової літератури. Изображение №3

Foreign economic activity of enterprises: Training Manual. Kozak Y. Центр учбової літератури

В наличии
В корзину
Код: 316347
Автор: Kozak Y.
Издательство: Центр учбової літератури
ISBN: 978-611-011670-1
Количество страниц: 200
Год издания: 2020
Обложка: мяка
The training manual contains coverage of the theoretical foundations of foreign economic activity, analyzes a number of modern problems of the functioning and development of the enterprise as the main actor of FEA. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of modern models of foreign economic activity of enterprises and on consideration of its functional support. Th e training manual is intended for scientifi c staff and specialists in the fi eld of foreign economic activity, for students, postgraduates and teachers of higher educational institutions.


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